Welcome to Grade 5's

Practice Test Questions


TEACHERS: Here are 20 sample standardized test question items, written in the styles of SBAC, PARCC, CAASP, MAP, STAAR, and more. Each item below is carefully aligned to a College and Career Ready Standard (shown in the left column). Every item is text-evidence-based, and some contain multimedia. Altogether, the items assess just about every reading, writing, language, and listening/viewing skill you would see assessed on a standardized test. You may sample any of the items individually. Or, you may start at the beginning and be led through the entire practice test.


These questions ask you to quote accurately from a text.

These questions ask you to cite text evidence.

These questions ask you to determine two or more main ideas and supporting details.

These questions ask you to determine central ideas and supporting details.

These questions ask you to analyze how ideas, individuals, and events are elaborated & connected.

These questions ask you to determine central ideas or conclusions of a scientific/technical text.

fifth grade female student ready to learn

Grab Your 5th Grade Test Prep Book!

  • Target  ALL 10 5th Grade Reading Informational Text Standards

  • Target Literacy in Science and Social Studies Standards

  • Target Writing, Language, Listening/Viewing Standards Too!

These questions ask you to determine the meaning of domain-specific words.

These questions ask you to determine the central ideas of a primary or secondary source. 

These questions ask you to analyze how a text is structured (and why).

These questions ask you to interpret information presented in diverse media and formats and (explain how it contributes to a topic).

These questions ask you to analyze multiple accounts of the same event/topic.

These questions ask you to analyze how ideas, individuals, and events are elaborated and connected throughout a text.

fifth grade female student ready to learn

Easy-Print or Self-Grading Digital 

  • You decide! Easy-print = one-page front-to-back

  • Self-grading = easy-to-use Google Classroom Forms

  • This workbook = Major time and hassle saver!

These questions ask you to draw on information from multiple sources/formats.

These questions ask you to determine the meanings of words and phrases.

These questions ask you to explain how an author uses reasons and evidence.

These questions ask you to analyze how a text is structured (and why).

These questions ask you to Integrate information from several texts.

These questions ask you to determine an author’s purpose or point of view.

5th grade language arts workbook - High-interest passages and practice tests.

Save Yourself Hours of Internet Searches!

  • …trying to find texts kids like that are the right length

  • …trying to find texts in flexible formats

  • …trying to find texts at the right grade level

These questions ask you to comprehend history/social studies & science/technical texts.

These questions ask you to integrate and evaluate visuals in different media/formats.

ELA Test Prep Workbooks Are Awesome

For Grades 4-12

High-Interest Passages KIDS ACTUALLY LIKE!

Easy-Print One Page Front-to-Back

OR Digital Self-Grading -- You Decide!

Original, Relevant Texts You Won't See Anywhere Else

Plus Authentic Texts From Primary Sources

Target EVERY SINGLE Reading Standard ONE By ONE (& More)

Practice Citing Text Evidence

Analyze Development of a Central Idea

Analyze How Ideas or Events Unfold

Determine Meaning & Impact of Words

Analyze Which Portions of Text Develop Ideas & Claims

Determine Author's Point of View or Purpose

Analyze Various Accounts in Different Mediums

Evaluate Claims, Reasoning, & Arguments

Analyze How Authors Shape Presentations Differently

Analyze Seminal U.S. Documents in High School

Comprehend Literary Nonfiction

Synthesize Evidence From Multiple Sources

Figurative Language & Word Nuances

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