
Back to School Writing Makes Them LOVE ELA

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Writing modules are here!

Blog posts related to language

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Free Interactive ELA Practice Tests

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High-Interest Passages & Tasks Workbooks

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Free Hybrid Format Practice Tests

Free ELA Passage and Test: "Why Onions Make You Cry"
Free ELA Passage and Test: Be Ready to Help
Free ELA Passage and Test: Reading Literary Nonfiction: "We Sail for America"
Free ELA Passage and Test - Reading a Slave Narrative by William W. Brown
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Plus Authentic Texts From Primary Sources

Target EVERY SINGLE Reading Standard ONE By ONE (& More)

Practice Citing Text Evidence

Analyze Development of a Central Idea

Analyze How Ideas or Events Unfold

Determine Meaning & Impact of Words

Analyze Which Portions of Text Develop Ideas & Claims

Determine Author's Point of View or Purpose

Analyze Various Accounts in Different Mediums

Evaluate Claims, Reasoning, & Arguments

Analyze How Authors Shape Presentations Differently

Analyze Seminal U.S. Documents in High School

Comprehend Literary Nonfiction

Synthesize Evidence From Multiple Sources

Figurative Language & Word Nuances

Grade-Specific Test Prep Workbooks

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Free WebQuest Reading Practice Tests

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WebQuest Practice Test #6 The Wonders of Space - Out of this world GIF
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WebQuest Practice Test #3 Presidents' Advice for Students GIF
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WebQuest Practice Test #11 Living off the Grid GIF
WebQuest Practice Test #4 Smart Homes in Utopia and Dystopia GIF
WebQuest Practice Test #8 Understanding Pandemics and Vaccination GIF
WebQuest Practice Test #12 What is Energy?

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