Earth Day in ELA – Ideas for Reading & Writing in April

Earth Day in ELA – Ideas for Reading & Writing in April

Earth Day in ELA – Ideas for Reading & Writing in April

Do you realize that every single day is designated as a special day? You know like National Hot Dog Day?

But, just like in life, some days rise to the top. They get a lot of buzz, gain followers, and get popular. See I told you it was like life, lol. Earth Day is one of those days! It has gained momentum year after year since its debut in 1970. Every year, Earth Day organizers and event planners go all out to spread their message (in yearly themes). It seems like some years the message gets across better than others. 

Anyway, all this buzz and energy about conserving the environment and saving our Earth from destructive practices provide great, ample opportunities for reading, writing, critical thinking, literacy in science and technical subjects, art — everything related to celebrating and protecting the natural wonders of our Earth. So, here are some ideas for you, which you can use all April long in English language arts. 

pin and blog header Earth Day in ELA Ideas for Reading and Writing in April

Here are some ideas for Earth Day (and all of April) in ELA:

1) Quick-Write Response to One of These Writing Prompts:

A) The theme of 2022’s Earth Day is Invest in Our Planet. The statement below is from the organizers’ website

“Because a green future is a prosperous future.

We need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). It’s going to take all of us. All in. Businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. A partnership for the planet.”

Ask students to write for ten minutes about what they think the theme “Invest In Our Planet” means — who should invest? When? Why? How? THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO TEACH THEME! (Have them summarize the article too if you have time – literacy in science!)

B) Last year in 2021, the home page of the Earth Day website stated, “As the world returns to normal, we can’t go back to business as usual.” Write that in your own words while explaining what it means. Also, now that it has been a year, have we gone back to normal, and/or have we gone back to business as usual? Will we ever? Should we? Have student write about it for ten minutes.


2) Write a Short Research Report on a Specific Topic Such As…:

A) This April there will be a United Nations convention on Global Diversity, an urgent matter that must be attended to by world leaders working together. They will discuss the problem of unprecedented extinction rates, climate change causing havoc to habitats, the urgent nature of this problem, and possible solutions. Have students research any facet of this, and how about have them write a problem-solution opinion or argumentative essay? 

B) Last year, President Biden helped host a global climate summit that took place during Earth Day 2021 (4/22/21). One of the topics they discussed was the Paris Agreement. What is the Paris Agreement?

C) A big focus of Earth Day every year is the climate. They state that “together we can prevent coming disasters of climate change and environmental destruction.” What is happening with the climate? What is being destroyed?

D) What are you allowed and not allowed to recycle in your recycle bins at home? Why and why not? Could you improve how you recycle? If you don’t know what the “rules” are for recycling, how could you find out what they are?


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3) Delve Into Literature: A) Take a break from the literal and escape into the allegorical…Find literature to have your students read and decode, such as The Lorax, The Giving Tree, Walden, The Jungle, My First Summer in the Sierra, and many more.

4) Free 1-Page Informational Text & Vocabulary Task: Here is a free easy-print or digital version of a passage and vocabulary task you can use today. Students will discover the reason for Earth Day, its history, how it affects public policy, the yearly themes (including the one for 2022), and more.

All About Earth Day free reading passage and vocabulary task

5) Write a Persuasive Essay or Opinion Piece: Have each student choose a topic related to Earth Day, conservation, climate change, a great idea he or she has, a practice everyone should do to help restore the Earth, recycling, etc.

Here are some persuasive arguments to emulate : 1) A Ted Talk (with written transcript if you need) called “Why Not Eat Insects?” by Marcel Dicke 2) “Stop the Waste” student opinion piece.

6) Read an Opinion, Then Write an Opinion: Have students do some standardized writing test prep that’s no prep at all! It’s ANOTHER FREEBIE in which students 1) Read an opinion piece and watch a short video by a Secretary of State advocating for protecting the oceans, and 2) Write an opinion or argument of their own, citing text evidence, stating what they and their peers can do to help protect the oceans.

Free writing opinion or argument about protecting the oceans and citing text evidence from John Kerry Passage

7) Get Inspired by a True Story in a Short Video & Journal About It: A documentary called “A Simple Question: The Story of STRAW” shows what happened in the 1990s when educator Laurette Rogers explained to one of her fourth-grade classes the concept of endangered species. Students asked what they could do to help. This question launched a program that’s still in practice called STRAW—Students and Teachers Restoring a Watershed—which engages hundreds of schoolchildren in watershed restoration efforts across Northern California.

Quick-Write About It: Have students write their opinion of what they just watched, explain what is inspirational about this story, state what lessons they can learn from what they saw, consider how they can become environmental action heroes themselves, and more.

8) Free 1-Page Passage & ELA Test: Students read an excerpt from “You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring,” a commencement address by Paul Hawken. Students grades 6-12 also complete an assessment that focuses on nuances in language, tone, and citing evidence to support inferences.

Earth Day Passage & ELA Reading Test FREEBIE - Assesses Language & Tone

9) Students in Grades 4-12 Might Also Like:

Passage and ELA tasks "Earth's Water Supply"
WebQuest Practice Test #11 Living off the Grid GIF
WebQuest Self-Grading Reading Practice Test #13: The Problem With Recycling




You know what else students LOVE? These high-interest informational texts and tasks. I went out of my way to make the articles super interesting to upper elementary and middle schoolers by writing about things that interest them. And, guess what? It worked. I keep hearing from teachers how kids get so into these passages. They actually want to answer the questions. They even want to discuss the articles as a group. 

middle school informational text passages and ela tasks volume 1

Volume I was so popular with students in grades 6-8 that I just HAD to create Volume II. Kids love them both!

middle school informational text passages and ela tasks volume 2

And now, workbooks for UPPER ELEMENTARY are here!

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These are the ORIGINAL best-sellers for Middle School that kids love:

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middle school informational text passages and ela tasks volume 2

And now, workbooks for High School are here!

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Since teaching ELA for 10 years, I’ve been a contracted learning resource and assessment writer while running my store “Loving Language Arts.” I know how to align to standards like the back of my hand, yet I always aim to make resources high-interest to motivate reluctant readers and writers.


Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 7 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
High School Bundle Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Click below for FREE ELA PRACTICE TESTS – each targeting specific reading, writing, language, and speaking/listening/viewing standards.

Check out these GRADE-SPECIFIC test prep books with practice tests that target EVERY GRADE-SPECIFIC READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD, one by one. An added bonus is that students LOVE the texts! In Easy-Print or Self-Grading Online Versions.
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Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 11 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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The 6th Grade Practice Tests Test Prep Workbook “is a high quality, beautifully-aligned resource. It is no-frills, to the point, yet high-interest for students. It is helping us prepare for standardized testing in a hybrid, synchronous, difficult year.”

ReBeckha L.

Sixth Grade Teacher, Teachers Pay Teachers

Why not save this pin to your “Current Seasonal Resources” or “Literacy in Science” Pinterest board so you can read this again later?

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St. Patrick’s Day in ELA – Ideas for Reading & Writing in March

St. Patrick’s Day in ELA – Ideas for Reading & Writing in March

St. Patrick’s Day in ELA – Ideas for Reading & Writing in March

It’s your lucky day in ELA! That’s because St. Patrick’s Day is one more opportunity to incorporate an engaging, fun, multicultural topic into English language arts. It’s another chance to set a good feeling tone while engaging students’ emotions — whether by writing silly limericks, by empathizing with Irish struggles in serious verse, or by philosophically pondering the concept of luck. So, here are some ideas for you, which you can use all March long. Please let me know in the comments or link up if you have some great ideas too. (I FINALLY got Instagram @lovingela — I’d love to connect there too.)

blog post st. patrick's day in english language arts

Here are some ideas for St. Patrick’s Day (and all of March) in ELA:

1) Quick-Write About Luck: According to the Roman philosopher Seneca, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” In other words, he postulates, we aren’t born “lucky” or “unlucky”; rather, we make our own luck. I’m pretty sure Jack on Titanic said something along those lines too (lol).

Ask students to write about this topic that has been debated for eons. Is “luck” more about accidentally being in the right place at the right time, or is it more about intentionally getting yourself to the “right place”? This could be a quick-write topic. Ask students to give at least one example to support a point they make about luck. If they have trouble thinking of one, have them consider a musician or recording artist’s career path and how either luck, or preparation, or both, may have led to their success.

I like this quick lifehacker article on how to prepare yourself for opportunities (get lucky). Students might like it too.

2) Write a Limerick: There once was a lady named Katie, She was an amazing lady, But her moods were unreal, We were like What is her deal?, Then she finally chilled out at age eighty….Anyway, limericks are so fun. They were quite likely invented in Limerick, Ireland. (Read this article to find out.) And even esteemed writers such as Rudyard Kipling have written them. They’re great for getting reluctant writers to not only get words down on paper, but to probably laugh in the process! When you have students share them, students get to know each other in a fun way. Check out my free one-page printable or Google Slides version that guides students step-by-step in writing a limerick.

free write a limerick activity

3) Delve Into Irish Literature: For young kids, I would check out this list of best Irish children’s books, or I would see what fun stories about Irish culture or St. Patrick’s Day they have in the library. For older students, I would check out some of these authors, but beware that the subject matter is often intense when it’s about struggling (a common theme): Frank McCourt (Angela’s Ashes is an amazing memoir but very sad!), Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot), James Joyce (Ulysses), Jonathan Swift (Gulliver’s Travels), Oscar Wilde (The Picture of Dorian Gray), or a newer verse novel called Nóinín.

NEW complete writing modules that prepare students for writing assessment tests in which they must cite from sources  that are provided – GRAB YOURS TODAY!

Writing Module #1 The Recycling Problem

4) Speaking of Irish Literature – A Poem for St. Patrick’s Day: I found this great literary, historical poem that was delivered to an audience in San Francisco on March 17, 1870, by an Irish immigrant passionate about Ireland’s history, struggles, and changes. Here is the poem FREE with 10 literary analysis questions in easy-print or digital interactive Google Slides version for easy distance learning. Great for grades 5 all the way through high school.

free lesson Irish literary poem for St. Patrick's Day

5) Learn All About U2 (The best Irish band ever in my biased opinion): Okay, so you’re probably already getting the feeling this activity has a lot to do with ME and MY desires, but I personally think it’s a great idea for ELA. I have loved U2 my whole life, including their no-apologies songs about human rights struggles (which were more serious than most of the quirky 80s stuff which I also loved), and they are very passionate about their homeland of Ireland. So, I was thinking, have students read about the band, their biographies, their story, their verses, the literary devices they use in their poetic songs, etc…they are humanitarians and have been on the world stage for decades, so why not? (OMG they’re so awesome.)

U2 2015
Image Credit: (R. L. 68, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons)



You know what else students LOVE? These high-interest informational texts and tasks. I went out of my way to make the articles super interesting to upper elementary and middle schoolers by writing about things that interest them. And, guess what? It worked. I keep hearing from teachers how kids get so into these passages. They actually want to answer the questions. They even want to discuss the articles as a group. 

middle school informational text passages and ela tasks volume 1

Volume I was so popular with students in grades 6-8 that I just HAD to create Volume II. Kids love them both!

middle school informational text passages and ela tasks volume 2

And now, workbooks for UPPER ELEMENTARY are here!

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And now ones for HIGH SCHOOL TOO! YAY!

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Would you like to try a FREE one first?

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Since teaching ELA for 10 years, I’ve been a contracted learning resource and assessment writer while running my store “Loving Language Arts.” I know how to align to standards like the back of my hand, yet I always aim to make resources high-interest to motivate reluctant readers and writers.


Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 7 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 8 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Click below for FREE ELA PRACTICE TESTS – each targeting specific reading, writing, language, and speaking/listening/viewing standards.

Check out these GRADE-SPECIFIC test prep books with practice tests that target EVERY GRADE-SPECIFIC READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD, one by one. An added bonus is that students LOVE the texts! In Easy-Print or Self-Grading Online Versions.
Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 11 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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How about save this pin to your “current seasonal resources” or “diversity in ELA” or “Irish Literature” Pinterest boards so you can read it again later?

st patricks day in ELA blog post

5 Interesting Facts About the History of Valentine’s Day

5 Interesting Facts About the History of Valentine’s Day

5 Interesting Facts About the History of Valentine’s Day

Ah Valentine’s, how I love thee and dislike thee all at once, lol. Let’s just say I’ve had a love-hate relationship with Valentine’s Day my whole life. Have you by any chance? Anyway, to focus on the positive here, I do remember that in elementary school, Valentine’s Day was one of the best days EVER. I LOVED IT! So, tap into your students’ excitement about the day, and teach them more about the history behind this holiday. It’s one more opportunity for fresh reading and writing! In fact, I have lots of other ideas too for you in my post “A Valentine’s Day in ELA You’ll Love.”

Blog post and free text the history of valentine's day interesting facts


5 Interesting Facts About Valentine’s Day:

1) The more appropriate version: At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius of Rome declared February 14 to be “St. Valentine’s Day,” supposedly to replace the Roman festival called Lupercalia which was what we would call “inappropriate” these days. It included one ritual in which unmarried men would select pieces of paper from an urn which had the names of the unmarried ladies on them, who would become their future wives. Not very romantic! It was not until the 14th century, at the end of the Middle Ages/beginning of the Renaissance, that Valentine’s Day came to be definitively associated with romantic love. In fact, English poet Geoffrey Chaucer was the first to record Valentine’s Day as a romantic celebration in his 1375 poem “Parliament of Foules,” writing, ““For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.”

2) Writing it down makes it official: Written valentine greetings began to appear after 1400, around the time the idea of courtly love flourished in literature, especially in plays meant to entertain nobility. The oldest known valentine in existence was a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans (of France) in 1415, imprisoned in the Tower of London. By the mid-18th century, it became common for friends and lovers of all social classes, not just nobility, to exchange handwritten valentine notes and small tokens of affection. Soon, commercially printed cards were used for the first time. In the 1840s, Esther Howland began commercially selling mass-produced valentines depicting Cupid, the Roman god of love, as well as hearts, which are associated with emotion.

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3) It’s not all about us : Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Singapore, and Australia. It’s also popular in Denmark, Argentina, South Korea, and the Philippines. In fact, in the Phillippines, Valentine’s Day is the most popular wedding day. Sometimes there are mass weddings that unite hundreds of couples at once on February 14. 

4) Who was this St. Valentine?: That is the subject of debate and cannot be answered definitively. Some say the day was named after a priest named Valentine who was killed by the Roman emperor Claudius II Gothicus in the year 270. According to legend, Claudius II had outlawed marriage, believing that single men made better soldiers than married ones. Valentine would secretly perform marriages and, when discovered, was put to death and became known as a saint. 

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5) But it could have been this other guy: According to another legend, Valentine was killed for helping Christians escape harsh Roman prisons. While in prison himself, he supposedly sent a letter signed “from your Valentine” to the jailor’s daughter. The truth behind the Valentine’s legends are murky, but we do know from stories that Valentine was described as a sympathetic, heroic, and romantic figure. By the Middle Ages (approximately between 500 and 1300 A.D.), Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France.

Below are links to my other post A Valentine’s Day in ELA You’ll Love for even more ideas, and the FREE RESOURCE “The History of Valentine’s Day Reading Passage & Writing Extensions.” Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day in English Language Arts blog post

Plus, my other blog post with free language activity “20 Idioms About Love and the Heart” also has yet more fun Valentine’s resources.


valentine's day history passage and writing
GIF showing kids who hate textbooks but love using Loving Language Arts resources

Since teaching ELA for 10 years, I’ve been a contracted learning resource and assessment writer while running my store “Loving Language Arts.” I know how to align to standards like the back of my hand, yet I always aim to make resources high-interest to motivate reluctant readers and writers.


Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 7 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 8 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 9 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Click below for FREE ELA PRACTICE TESTS – each targeting specific reading, writing, language, and speaking/listening/viewing standards.

Check out these GRADE-SPECIFIC test prep books with practice tests that target EVERY GRADE-SPECIFIC READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD, one by one. An added bonus is that students LOVE the texts! In Easy-Print or Self-Grading Online Versions.
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Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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The 6th Grade Practice Tests Test Prep Workbook “is a high quality, beautifully-aligned resource. It is no-frills, to the point, yet high-interest for students. It is helping us prepare for standardized testing in a hybrid, synchronous, difficult year.”

ReBeckha L.

Sixth Grade Teacher, Teachers Pay Teachers

How about save this pin to your “Current Seasonal Resources” Pinterest board so you can refer back to it later?

Blog post and free text the history of valentine's day interesting facts

Valentine’s Day in ELA: Ideas for Reading and Writing ALL February

Valentine’s Day in ELA: Ideas for Reading and Writing ALL February

Valentine’s Day in ELA: Ideas for Reading and Writing ALL February

I’ve written blog posts about the importance of setting a good feeling tone in the classroom, making learning fun, and affective learning (find out why it’s the most effective learning of all). This post goes right along with that notion that you can deliberately advance students’ learning just by making them feel good and relaxed.

Valentine’s Day, and all February for that matter, is one more opportunity to focus on the positives such as kindness and love, while engaging students’ emotions and having fun! So, here are some reading, writing, and language ideas for a Valentine’s Day in ELA you’ll love.

Valentine's Day in English Language Arts blog post

Here are some ideas for Valentine’s Day in ELA:

1) Express love or appreciation in an Ode: According to the dictionary, an “ode” is “a lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject, often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter – a poem meant to be sung.”

And, according to, an ode was “originally accompanied by music and dance, and later reserved by the Romantic poets to convey their strongest sentiments—is a formal address to an event, a person, or a thing not present.” Wow, who knew? (I didn’t.)

I recommend keeping it simple and just having students write freely with a simple abab or abca rhyme scheme…but I also found this great lesson online that looks very helpful for both teachers and students writing odes.

So, have students brainstorm all the things and/or people and pets they love and appreciate. Ask some leading questions, such as What’s your favorite thing to do after school? or What food or drinks do you LOVE? or Who do you love like a sister? or Who shows you love?

2) Shower with Compliments: I got this idea from “The Cult of Pedagogy,” a TPT seller who has inspired me. She says students take turns of about 10-15 minutes each being in the “hot seat” while their classmates write compliments on the board behind them. She says you have to see it to appreciate its full impact. What a great idea. I’m thinking the teacher needs a turn too!

3) Sticky Note Love: I have a friend (a mother of 5) who covers her kids’ doors with sticky notes that show what she loves about that kid – on or around Valentine’s Day (or maybe it’s birthdays…). Anyway, I’m sure this can somehow be incorporated into Language Arts. For example, instruct students to write 10 adjectives (one word each) to express what they love about a person, thing, whatever…

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4) Idioms about the heart and love: My heart really goes out to you…especially if you have teenagers acting head over heels in love or who have just gotten their hearts broken…One of my blog posts lists 20 idioms about love and the heart. It gets students thinking why the heart is associated with love anyway. These are fun to read, to incorporate into writing, or to research their origins. It also links to a free printable that gets students to write literal meanings in a language activity.

Valentine's Day Idioms about love and the heart for reading and writing Pin


5) ELA Science Fusion “Your Cardiovascular System” (Mini-Unit or Lite version text only): Relevant, interesting, engaging scientific and technical informational text and literacy in science activities for English Language Arts or science class or both. Thoroughly researched, highly visual, creative and fun ELA connections, extension activities, vocabulary building, a song to sing along to (a song I LOVED as a kid whenever teachers would show us the video), fascinating informational text all about how our circulatory system works.

ELA Science Fusion Unit Cardiovascular System


free informational text cardiovascular system


6) Shakespeare in Love: I found a GREAT post about 20 of Shakespeare’s quotes about love that tells all about the context they are set in and their meaning. I also found this list of 55 of Shakespeare’s most famous love quotes. And here is a list of his sonnets. How about have students each choose a different sonnet and quote to analyze? They can identify: mood, speaker, tone, imagery, metaphor, rhyme scheme, etc.

7) Write a Love Letter to a Book or Author: Have you ever seen that skit on the Tonight Show in which Jimmy Fallon writes “thank you notes” to random things? It cracks me up. So this is like that, sort of. Have students write to a book or author showering them with love and specific compliments.

8) The History of Valentine’s Day: As simple of a concept that Valentine’s Day is, it turns out the history is ancient, not fully documented (and full of hearsay), yet is quite interesting (like how greeting cards came about) and even contends that Valentine’s Day was meant to replace a festival we would call “inappropriate” these days. I wrote the text for grades 6 and up to explore these concepts. They’re not really well suited to younger elementary kids.

valentine's day history passage and writing

And, a freebie too! A captivating excerpt of a slave narrative that is so touching and inspiring – a great piece of literary nonfiction. Combine Black History Month with ELA Test Prep in one step!

free ela passage and test "narrative of william w. brown"

Since teaching ELA for 10 years, I’ve been a contracted learning resource and assessment writer while running my store “Loving Language Arts.” I know how to align to standards like the back of my hand, yet I always aim to make resources high-interest to motivate reluctant readers and writers.


Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 7 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 8 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 9 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 11 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
High School Bundle Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Click below for free ELA practice test questions – each targeting specific reading, writing, language, and speaking & listening standards.

Check out these GRADE-SPECIFIC test prep books with practice tests that target EVERY GRADE-SPECIFIC READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD, one by one. An added bonus is that students LOVE the texts! In Easy-Print or Self-Grading Online Versions.
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Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 11 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Valentine's Day in English Language Arts blog post

20 Idioms About Love and the Heart

20 Idioms About Love and the Heart

20 Idioms About Love and the Heart

An idiom is a saying that began long ago, persisted in our culture, and can confuse you if you take it literally. It makes sense that there are many idioms about love. But, do you ever wonder why there are idioms about the heart, which are also about love? What do the heart and love have to do with each other? Perhaps it has something to do with how being near the one you love (or even thinking about them) can make your heart beat faster. While they’re at it, that loved one can even “take your breath away.” They also do quite a number on your eyes and other body parts, according to many idioms below. As you read these idioms, take some guesses as to how you think they originated.

valentine's day blog post and language activity 20 idioms about love and the heart

Valentine’s Day is a great occasion to have ELA students read and write idiomatic expressions about love and the heart: You can have students make a Valentine’s Day greeting card that contain some, write a poem using a couple, research their origins (assign each student one to share with the class), and/or have them write their literal meanings using a simple free language activity printable (that’s also interactive digital). No matter what you use them for, have fun.

Also, check out my post “A Valentine’s Day in ELA You’ll Love” for more ideas.

my heart skips a beat

tug at one’s heartstrings

from the bottom of my heart

my heart goes out for you

my heart bleeds for you

have your heart in the right place

pour your heart out

joined at the hip

take my breath away

puppy love

a match made in heaven

three little words

break or split up

love is blind

tie the knot or get hitched

only have eyes for you

head over heels

fall in love or fall for someone

have a crush on someone

love at first sight

wear your heart on your sleeve

have the hots for someone

you caught my eye

Here’s the FREE ONE-PAGER WITH THE LANGUAGE ACTIVITY that gets them to write the literal meanings of figurative idioms (just like Standard L.5 says they should).

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AND CHECK OUT THE BLOG POST “A Valentine’s Day in ELA You’ll Love” for more ideas.

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Since teaching ELA for 10 years, I’ve been a contracted learning resource and assessment writer while running my store “Loving Language Arts.” I know how to align to standards like the back of my hand, yet I always aim to make resources high-interest to motivate reluctant readers and writers.


Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 7 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 8 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 9 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 11 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
High School Bundle Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Click below for FREE ELA PRACTICE TESTS – each targeting specific reading, writing, language, and speaking/listening/viewing standards.

Check out these GRADE-SPECIFIC test prep books with practice tests that target EVERY GRADE-SPECIFIC READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD, one by one. An added bonus is that students LOVE the texts! In Easy-Print or Self-Grading Online Versions.
Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 11 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 7 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Grade 8 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Grade 9 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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The 6th Grade Practice Tests Test Prep Workbook “is a high quality, beautifully-aligned resource. It is no-frills, to the point, yet high-interest for students. It is helping us prepare for standardized testing in a hybrid, synchronous, difficult year.”

ReBeckha L.

Sixth Grade Teacher, Teachers Pay Teachers

How about save this pin to your “Valentine’s Day in ELA” or “Teaching Idioms” or “Current Seasonal Resources” Board so that you can come back to this post again?

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Interesting Facts About Chinese New Year

Interesting Facts About Chinese New Year

Interesting Facts About Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is not just your average celebration. Also known as Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, it is the grandest festival in China, and it lasts for days. The festival is dominated by iconic red lanterns, loud fireworks, massive banquets, colorful parades, myth-telling, and adherence to customs that have been passed on from one generation to the next for thousands of years. And it’s not just limited to China; the festival triggers exuberant celebrations across the globe in regions with significant Chinese populations and ancestry. Read on for 5 interesting facts about Chinese New Year and get your free 1-page text for your students.

blog post header 5 interesting facts about chinese new year

 1) It starts January 29th this year: Chinese New Year dates vary slightly every year. The Chinese New Year of 2025 falls on January 29th, and the festival will last until February 12th. As an official public holiday, Chinese people can get seven days’ absence from work, from January 28th to February 3rd this year.

2) A Transition from One Animal of the Zodiac to the Next: The Spring Festival marks the transition from one animal of the zodiac to the next. The lunar calendar is associated with 12 animal signs in the Chinese zodiac, or Sheng Xiao (生肖), a repeating 12-year cycle. Your birth year determines your Chinese zodiac sign. Each animal is associated with certain attributes related to its personality, fortune, and compatibility with others. 2025 is the year of the Snake.

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3) Sweep Away Your Bad Luck: It is traditional for families to thoroughly clean their houses, in order to “sweep away” any ill-fortune and to make way for incoming good luck. Then, they decorate their windows and doors with red paper-cuts and couplets whose themes include that of good fortune, happiness, wealth, and longevity.

4) Red Envelopes are the Best: Other activities include giving money in red paper envelopes. They can be given from grandparents or parents to children, or between special friends and family.

A red packet (hongbao in Mandarin) is a gift of money inside an ornate red pocket of paper that may be decorated with calligraphy and symbols. They are given as a way to send good wishes. Wrapping the money in red envelopes is meant to bestow blessings for the coming year.

The color red symbolizes energy, happiness, and good luck in Chinese cultures.

5) Family and Dumplings: Lunar New Year’s Eve is frequently regarded as an occasion for Chinese families to gather for an annual reunion dinner. Dumplings are a key feature in this Chinese meal. Spring rolls, noodles, plus steamed meats, fish, and vegetables are customary dishes as well. And to top it all off, the Chinese enjoy nian gao, a New Year’s rice cake. Plus, while the family is all there, it is customary to light firecrackers.

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But wait, there’s more! Here’s a FREE 1-page high-interest informational text you can use in your classroom today.

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WebQuest Practice Tests! This one “The History of Schools” is FREE, so try it today in ELA.

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The first two WebQuest Practice Tests are FREE. Then, there are over 10 you can buy in a bundle or separately which get students reading, writing, and answering ELA practice test questions in a self-grading online test that incorporates multiple cross-curricular authentic sources.

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LOL Language workbook for grades 4-8 ELA
GIF showing kids who hate textbooks but love using Loving Language Arts resources

Since teaching ELA for 10 years, I’ve been a contracted learning resource and assessment writer while running my store “Loving Language Arts.” I know how to align to standards like the back of my hand, yet I always aim to make resources high-interest to motivate reluctant readers and writers.


Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 7 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 8 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 9 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 11 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Click below for FREE ELA PRACTICE TESTS – each targeting specific reading, writing, language, and speaking/listening/viewing standards.

Check out these GRADE-SPECIFIC test prep books with practice tests that target EVERY GRADE-SPECIFIC READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD, one by one. An added bonus is that students LOVE the texts! In Easy-Print or Self-Grading Online Versions.
Grade 4 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 10 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 5 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 11 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 6 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
Grade 12 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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Grade 9 Reading Passages and Practice Tests Workbook - Informational Text Edition
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The 6th Grade Practice Tests Test Prep Workbook “is a high quality, beautifully-aligned resource. It is no-frills, to the point, yet high-interest for students. It is helping us prepare for standardized testing in a hybrid, synchronous, difficult year.”

ReBeckha L.

Sixth Grade Teacher, Teachers Pay Teachers

How about save this pin to your “Literacy in History/Social Studies in ELA” or “Diversity in ELA” or “Seasonal Resources” Board so that you can come back to this post again?

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